
Body Tracker device - Technology review

For decades, interfaces for computers and game consoles meant keyboards, mice, and joysticks—and little else. Recently however, we've been getting a lot more diversity in how we can interact with our digital devices, with touch screens allowing gestural controls and handheld motion-sensing controllers letting us pretend we're holding a tennis racket or light saber. Microsoft's Kinect, a camera-based system that can identify hand and body movements, takes the idea to the next level, turning players themselves into controllers.
Kinect (Manufacturer:Microsoft)
  • Using a video camera and a depth sensor.
  • Which follows 48 points on your head, torso, arms, hands, and legs, this device makes it possible to control game elements entirely through body movements.
Product: Kinect for XBox 360
Cost: $150 (console sold separately)
Availability: November 2010
Source: www.xbox.com/en-US/kinect
Company: Microsoft


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