
10 Emerging Technologies

Best Emerging technologies that I think are ...

1. Real Time Search
Social networking and searching is changing the way we use the internet. The advanced tech is upcoming..Real Time Search

 2.Mobile 3-D

Smart phones will take 3-D main stream.

3.Engineered stem cells
Mimicking a human disease in a dish

4.Solar fuel

Designing a perfect renewable fuel.

5.Light trapping photovoltaics

Nanoparticles boost solar power prospects.

6.Social TV
Relying on relationships to rebuild TV audiences.

7.Green Concrete
Storing Carbon Dioxide in cement.

8.Implantable Electronics
Dissolvable devices make better medical implants.

9. Dual - Action antibodies
Fighting cancer more efficiently.

10. Cloud programming
A new language will improve online applications.


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