
Tubeless Tyres

  • Tubeless tyres, as the name suggests, are tyres without the tube. The tyre is built in such a way that it can contain the air by itself. It does not require a tube within it.

  • The tyre and rim assembly form an air container, to “Seal” and “Contain” the compressed air inside the assembly.
  • The tyre has a halo- or chloro-butyl lining on its inside which is airtight. Together with the airtight joint between the tyre and the wheel, the membrane forms a container that holds the air for the tyre.
  • A valve is fitted on to the rim for inflation or deflation to the assembly.

Advantages of Tubeless Tyres Use
Economy – These tyres are more economical, which can be seen from the following points:
  • Since tube is eliminated , friction between tyre & tube is not experienced, thus lower rolling resistance, improved fuel efficiency, less vibrations , less heat generation and better comfort.

  • Chances of tube getting pinched under the bead while mounting are eliminated.
  • The number of components used in a tyre wheel assembly gets reduced.

  • The tube and the flap are both eliminated
  • The tube and the flap are both eliminated



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